In the past, whenever a friend/coworker/family member had a baby I would head to the baby section at Target and OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THAT LITTLE DRESS! pick out an adorable tiny person outfit. I am not alone in this. When I was pregnant and after C arrived everyone brought us tiny baby clothes. And why wouldn’t they- how fun to pick out little sparkly dresses and tiny plaid shirts and sweaters. What I didn’t realize pre-baby was how little use people would get from these things.
Not only did my daughter quickly outgrow most of the clothing we were given, but we didn’t have a lot of space to store it. My husband and I live in a small 1,000 sq ft apartment in Washington DC. Our daughter has a dresser and half a closet that she shares with our luggage, air mattress, and Christmas ornaments. Thanks to our current living situation we have come to believe in quality over quantity and that it is better to own a few things you love than a lot of things you kind of like.
With this in mind, I have put together a list of my top 7 baby shower gifts to give and receive. Most of these things were not on our baby registry. And to be completely honest, I was slightly frustrated when people didn’t shop off our registry. Then I used these things and fell in love. Now I buy them for my soon to be mommy friends despite their registry. Go figure.
7. Bamboobies Chic Nursing Shawl– I love this thing. I use it as a nursing shawl when I’m in public, as a carseat cover when we are out on walks or driving in the car, and as a cover when I am pumping at work. Multi purpose for the win.

Some nice gift ideas here! 🙂
I love you for this. Haha enough with all the clothes already! 😉 These are some awesome picks!
These are some great picks! Any new mom would be lucky to have these. I entered your giveaway. Thanks for hosting it!